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Thursday, October 15, 2009
"Equality"... I Think Not
I am a devoted Satanist. I do not believe people should be treated equally because Humans are by no means equals. I believe that people should be treated justly as they deserve. Therefor, if someone is always greedy, self absorbed and cares only of themselves and cares not who they hurt they should be treated as shit. If they are always considerate and polite, treat people as deserved and are willing to lend a hand when help is needed then they should be respected as they respect others. Anyone who disagrees is entitled to there own opinions but i can assure you you'll be proven a fool. I can vouch that humans are born innocent and equal in spirit. But if you can for once say that people remain as equals throughout there lives then with all due respect, you are an ignorant fool and shall be treated as one and taken severe advantage of. My foremost goal is to help people realize that people shouldn't be treated with respect unless it is DESERVED. And if anyone is gracious toward an undeserved one and that individual betrays your graces, then they should deliberately be punished to the appropriate degree. I sincerely hope everyone takes heed in this message for if the scum of the Earth is treated as such, then just possibly they'll reevaluate there way of existence. just remember, those who turn the other cheek to others transgressions will turn it only to have it slapped again.
Humanity's Shameful Face
Contemplating my insanity,
And all the world's atrocity.
I glance about at all the waste,
And feel disgust to my disgrace.
Although a marvel is Humanity,
Our species fuels my animosity.
Humans seem as though a wraith,
To haunt the globe and slay my faith.
If only the rule of respect were adhered,
This would be a more vibrant sphere.
The fate of the world rests great in our hands,
It is far past due time to mend prcious land.
The world should be treated as though our wife,
For when Mother Earth ends so must all life.
This poem is here not merely to rhyme,
But to help thou consider how scarce is our time.
Through Man the world lives vicariously,
But with mankind's existance so feades harmony.
My eyes fill to the brim with hate,
As I watch the miners excavate.
Why must we provoke such ample madness,
And cause the world such great distress.
Mother Earth is our only host,
Must Humanity always boast.
Most mishaps are from our blunder,
Must we ever invade and plunder.
For at our error the earth corrodes,
Which causes trust to thus explode.
It's acceptable to establish village,
But deplorable to rape and pillage.
The greed I've witnessed with my eyes,
Doth fill my heart with immense despise.
I declare humans wretched for the most,
For we transform nature into a ghost.
Many lay waste unto the land,
And none lay waste with righteous hands.
Many species call Earth home,
So why can't Man just leave alone.
Too many holes in Earth we bore,
Why must Man be such a whore.
The callous touch of Man, I hate,
Lets hope the land rejuvenates.
Why can't Earth just be left plain,
Our species transgressions, I do disdain.
The intelligence of our entire race,
Has taken us to the commencement of Space
We'll need to use this knowledge soon,
For we will wrought our dear Earth's doom.
I hope renewal embraces the land,
For what a mistake, the creation of Man.
And all the world's atrocity.
I glance about at all the waste,
And feel disgust to my disgrace.
Although a marvel is Humanity,
Our species fuels my animosity.
Humans seem as though a wraith,
To haunt the globe and slay my faith.
If only the rule of respect were adhered,
This would be a more vibrant sphere.
The fate of the world rests great in our hands,
It is far past due time to mend prcious land.
The world should be treated as though our wife,
For when Mother Earth ends so must all life.
This poem is here not merely to rhyme,
But to help thou consider how scarce is our time.
Through Man the world lives vicariously,
But with mankind's existance so feades harmony.
My eyes fill to the brim with hate,
As I watch the miners excavate.
Why must we provoke such ample madness,
And cause the world such great distress.
Mother Earth is our only host,
Must Humanity always boast.
Most mishaps are from our blunder,
Must we ever invade and plunder.
For at our error the earth corrodes,
Which causes trust to thus explode.
It's acceptable to establish village,
But deplorable to rape and pillage.
The greed I've witnessed with my eyes,
Doth fill my heart with immense despise.
I declare humans wretched for the most,
For we transform nature into a ghost.
Many lay waste unto the land,
And none lay waste with righteous hands.
Many species call Earth home,
So why can't Man just leave alone.
Too many holes in Earth we bore,
Why must Man be such a whore.
The callous touch of Man, I hate,
Lets hope the land rejuvenates.
Why can't Earth just be left plain,
Our species transgressions, I do disdain.
The intelligence of our entire race,
Has taken us to the commencement of Space
We'll need to use this knowledge soon,
For we will wrought our dear Earth's doom.
I hope renewal embraces the land,
For what a mistake, the creation of Man.
Old Man Winter
Old man Winter smites the Fall,
Which didn't seem to come at all.
No transition into the cold,
Already I've concluded this weather old.
The trees seek rest from the bitter chill,
For fear they don't they may suit ill.
Summer's warmth has weaned away,
The frigid frost now gilds the day.
Peering out to the spiraling snow,
I marvel where the Summer's fever did go.
I now await the adornment of spring,
So that the Sun's rays may embellish and sing.
Which didn't seem to come at all.
No transition into the cold,
Already I've concluded this weather old.
The trees seek rest from the bitter chill,
For fear they don't they may suit ill.
Summer's warmth has weaned away,
The frigid frost now gilds the day.
Peering out to the spiraling snow,
I marvel where the Summer's fever did go.
I now await the adornment of spring,
So that the Sun's rays may embellish and sing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
This post is chiefly to inquire a straightforwardly simple answer. If it was in your immediate knowledge that the planet was to be annihilated in 48 hours, would any of your principle morals, values, or ethics change. If so why, and would you act any different towards others and life in general in your last miniscule hours left
Saturday Escapades
A great journey unfolds as Saturday night begins with pong balls gliding gently throughout the atmosphere, and for my team into the desired location. The follies taking place caused quite the commotion in the dwelling quarters. Apparently too much of a ruckus was caused for the festivities were soon halted as the strobe of flashlights gleamed through the window. Evidently the wielder of the lantern is profoundly obvious. As a shrill uproar stirred in the front of the domicile (pertaining to noise ironically enough). Most were able to escape and flee any pursuers from the back of the residence. Ah, bless the distracting effects of others' dull-wittedness!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I went downtown a few nights ago on a weekend and the city was significantly different than usual. It was a nice night not that that's unique but the street were crowded with more bar-hoppers than the sidewalks. I should have expexted that from Wisconsin if Oktoberfest is in act.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I am greatly fascinated by the horticultural world. I am currently enrolled in Western Technical College with Horticulture as my main course of study. All life is quite the miracle, but the way plants mature and harness nutrients is an uttermost interest of mine. I hope to eventually find employment in the horticulture field as a greenhouse specialist, landscaping i.e. hardscape, softscape, plantscape. If given the opprotunity I would embrace the chance to start my own bussiness in some form of landsaping.
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Hail Lucifer